fuZe Youth Allyship Conference

fuZe Youth Conference Logo

How do you identify yourself, by citizenship, culture, color/race, and faith? How can I challenge my thinking and get to know someone who is different from me? Where have I brushed off someone who is not in my social circle at school or in my community?

Join area students on Sunday, February 28th from 4:00-5:30pm for fuZe: An Interfaith and Community Youth Allyship Conference.

We will foster understanding and empathy amongst a diverse Gen Z group. Participants will gain an understanding of how to challenge their own perspectives, the importance of community service, and techniques to “become comfortable with being uncomfortable” with the inclusion of new faces in their own social circles. Together, we will learn that even with different faiths and cultures, we can be brought together with shared humanity. This conference will lay the foundation for relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability for embracing each other’s differences, creating a future generation of allies and a path to social justice.

We will meet on February 28 online on Zoom, but we look forward to future events bringing conference participants together in-person, when possible.

Interested? Email with questions or register here.

Presented by Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, Welcoming Falls Church, and MOM Network

What to expect. We have two great speakers to kick off the session:

Dr. Tanya Roane is an energetic, driven, and visionary instructional leader with a passion for identifying ways to raise student achievement. She is currently serving as principal of two campuses in the D.C. Public Schools, the Inspiring Youth Program (IYP) and the Youth Services Center (YSC), which both serve incarcerated youth pursuing alternative paths to graduation while in the D.C. jail and detention center.


Imam Johari-Malik, former Director of Outreach at the Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, was the first Muslim Chaplain at Howard University (HU) and is the former Head of the National Association of Muslim Chaplains in Higher Education. Raised a Christian, he reverted to Islam as a young adult and brings tremendous inter-faith perspectives. He was also critical to DAH’s community engagement post-9/11.

After hearing these two dynamic speakers, we will move into interactive small groups to allow participants to get to know each other, and some structured questions will be provided to channel the discussions. We hope the speakers themselves will be able to rotate through the small groups to provide more personal engagement.

We will conclude by bringing us all back together to share insights and look ahead to an in-person youth conference in the fall.

We hope you can join us!
